Some smart meters, including EDMI, don’t display the impulse rate, so you may need to test your meter to find the correct impulse rate.
How do I run a test:
Install your Electricity Advisor on your meter’s impulse rate light. This light indicates your electricity consumption. The light’s location will vary depending on your meter type.
On an EDMI meter, it is usually indicated as pulse 1.
Choose an appliance such as a kettle that consumes a constant amount of electricity. When the kettle is turned on, your usage should increase by approximately 2kW.
Enter 1000 imp/KWH in the impulse rate settings on the app. When the kettle is turned on, the usage should increase by 2kW (2000W).
If the usage only increases by 1kW (1000W) you will need to change the impulse rate settings in the app to 500.
If the usage only increases by 0.2kW (200W) you will need to change the impulse rate settings in the app to 100.
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